Choose the country of departure, the travel duration, the number of travellers and the destination. The destination may be a country, a region or a hotel.
You may choose the departure dates specifying a particular date or, if you are flexible, then also a longer period of time in which to select offers. The dates marked with heart are days for travelling which have the lowest prices.
Meals - by default the trips will be searched with all available types of meals, but you may specify on the search bar:
Meals not included – you yourself will have to take care about the food
Breakfast – breakfast is included in the price
Half board – breakfast and lunch are included in the price. Alcoholic drinks are not included.
Full board – breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the price. Alcoholic drinks are not included.
All inclusive – all meals and local alcoholic drinks are included in the price.
2. Choose a hotel
Look at the pictures, read descriptions and feedbacks from other tourists.
Look and compare hotel evaluations.
3. Make a booking
In order to make a booking, prepare information about the travellers – forename, surname, personal code etc.
If you make the booking in a timely manner, you may have a possibility to pay only for the booking fee at first and the remaining sum no later than a month before the flight date. If the flight date is not a long way off, then the payment for the trip will have to be made by one of several payment methods.
4. Receive documents
After successful processing of the travel request you will receive travel documents and description about the further course of travel.
5. Go on a trip
Yes! And this, really, is all for purchase of the tour from GoTrip. Now it is time to take a rest!